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Updated: Jan 29, 2021

CULTVR LAB is one of our MAIN sponsors this year for Immersed! 2021. We want to express our deepest GRATITUDE to CULTVR for the contribution we received for our event. Immersed wouldn’t be the UNIQUE and EXCLUSIVE festival it is without the support from the CULTVR LABS.

It was very important to us to make this event happen this year, and not just that but to make it better than ever. A truly unique EXPERIENCE, even though the restrictions due to Covid-19 prevent it from occurring live. This year the festival will be an ONLINE experience, and we plan on bringing live music back into people's lives despite having to stay at home. The purpose of this years Immersed! wasn't only to bring live music back into our everyday lives but to provide a platform to ESCAPE, FEEL GOOD and have a GREAT TIME.

As CULTVR LAB has a long history of music events and sponsorship we were sure to include them in this amazing musical experience. CULTVR LAB’s team support lots of music event that occur in Cardiff and they didn't want to miss out on Immersed! either. They deeply care about Cardiff’s music scene and want to keep it alive! This is the reason they founded their amazing stage. Cardiff’s music scene is their meaning.

"We are thrilled to be supporting the Immersed 2021 festival, keep an eye for the next 3 days to watch the live gigs coming up. It has been great for us to discover new talent and having some of the artists performing at CULTVR so hope you enjoy their shows!" - Janire Najera, Creative Director

Most of our acts for Immersed! are upcoming, talented artists from WALES. This is what CULTVR stands for, to support our LOCAL talent. They really want to see Welsh upcoming artists this year.

We want to THANK CULTVR LAB from the depths of our hearts for their help and support in this event. Their contribution is of immense importance to us. It is very inspiring that in these difficult times, Cardiff’s music community actively works on keeping Cardiff’s music scene alive. THANK YOU CULTVR LAB!

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And of course, watch this space every day for exclusive interviews, behind the scenes photos and much more!

The Immersed! Blog team

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